目的 :对肺内肿物行穿刺活检病理学确诊。方法 :2 0例肺内肿物患者在X线或CT定位监视下经皮肺穿刺细针吸活检 ,组织细胞学病理检查。结果 :一次穿刺活检病理确诊率达 95 % ,并发症少。结论 :是一种微创、快速的诊断技术 ,对肺内肿物可提供准确的病理学诊断。
Objective: To evaiuate the Clinical application of Percutaneous pneumocentesis for biopsy in the patients with intrapulmonary tumors.Results: The Lesion to be biopsied was Localized under X-ray of CT scans,and Soms Sample was aspirated by Percutaneous Pneumocentesis for cytolgic processing in 20 patients with lung tumans.Methods: Necdle aspirative biopsy led to Less movbidity of conplications.and a definitive diagnotic rate of 95%in the patients.Conclusion: Percutaneous pnenmocentesis in a less injurious and a rapid techniaue,and is used in patients with pulmonary problems of unknoun pulmo-tumors when other techniques hove been unproductive or unlikely to make a diagnosis.
Aerospace Medicine