物权是权利人对物的权利 ,物权关系反映了主体对客体物的支配关系和客体物对主体的归属关系 ,物权最明显的外在体现是物上请求权 ,具有直接支配性、独立性、排他性三大特征 ,而学者论述较多的物权的对世性、优先性。
Proper right is the right of obligee to property. The relationship of proper right reflects the dominance relationship of the subject to the object property and the relationship of ownership of the object property to the subject. The most evident external manifestation of proper right is the right of property claim, with the three major characteristics of direct mastery, independence and exclusiveness. But the acknowledgement, priority, opening of property right scholars more expound can not be regarded as the characteristics of property.
Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law