目的 克隆白纹伊蚊的防御素基因并对其进行序列分析。 方法 提取白纹伊蚊基因组DNA ,根据埃及伊蚊防御素基因序列设计合成引物 ,PCR产物克隆到T载体中进行测序和分析。 结果 从白纹伊蚊基因组DNA中扩增出了约 375bp的片段 ,PCR产物经测序后与已发表的埃及伊蚊防御素基因比较 ,具有很高的同源性。 结论 克隆了白纹伊蚊的防御素基因 。
Objective To clone the defensin genes from Aedes albopictus. Methods The genomic DNA were extracted from Aedes aegypti.The PCR was carried out and the PCR products were purified and cloned into plasmid T-vector.The recombinant plasmid was sequenced. Results The amplified products from A.albopictus were about 375bp,The sequence analysis showed that the amplified fragment from A.albopictus had a high homology compared with the published defensin sequence from A.aegypti. Conclusion The defensin gene of A.albopictus have been cloned.
China Tropical Medicine
广州市科技计划项目 (2 0 0 1 -J- 0 0 1 - 0 1 )