目的 :探讨失眠症患者主客观睡眠状况及其临床意义。 方法 :对 71例失眠症患者及 2 7例正常对照者进行睡眠调查及全夜多导睡眠图 (PSG)检测。 结果 :失眠症组主观入睡时间、醒觉次数、睡眠潜伏期的评估值较PSG检测值显著增高 ;主客观入睡时间的评估显著不一致。 结论 :失眠症患者对失眠障碍主客观评估不一致 。
Objective:To explore the objective and subjective situation of sleep and their clinical signification in insomniacs. Method:Sleep behavior research and all night polysomnography (PSG) records were performed in 71 insomniacs and 27 normal controls. Results:Compared with objective situation of sleep(PSG),sleep latency and total sleep time were significantly more prolonged,awake frequency was significantly increased on subjective situation of sleep in insomniacs;The difference between subjective and objective estimates of sleep time was significant. Conclusion:There are differences between subjective and objective estimates of sleep in the insomniacs.More attention should be paid to the clinical diagnosis of insomnia.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry