目的 :探讨不同时期儿童精神分裂症早期症状的特点。 方法 :对 1986~ 1992年 (甲组 ,2 39例 )和 1996~ 2 0 0 2年 (乙组 ,2 35例 )住院精神分裂症患者的病例资料进行回顾性研究 ,比较早期精神症状的特点。 结果 :在学业、与亲人的关系、情绪和躯体不适等方面 ,乙组发生率明显高于甲组。 结论 :不同时期儿童精神分裂症的早期症状具有较为明显的特点。
Objective:To explore the distinctive alterations of early symptoms of childhood schizophrenia in different periods. Method:474 cases with childhood schizophrenia,who were hospitalized in our hospital (group A,239 cases in 1986~1992;group B,235 cases in 1996~2002) were reexamined in a retrospective study. Results:It was observed that learning,relation with parents,emotion and somatic problems in group B were more than those in group A. Conclusion:It indicates that there are distinctive alterations in early symptoms of childhood schizophrenia in different periods.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry