目的 :了解抗精神病药药源性肥胖患者的胰岛素敏感性及抗胰岛素抗体状况。 方法 :对30例药源性肥胖患者 (患者组 )的胰岛素敏感性指数 (ISI)及抗胰岛素抗体 (AAI)进行了检测。 结果 :患者组ISI明显低于正常对照组 ;患者组ISI与服药时间、日服药剂量无相关关系。患者组与对照组AAI检测结果均为阴性。 结论 :抗精神病药药源性肥胖患者存在胰岛素阻抗 (IR) 。
Objective:To know the insulin sensitivity and antibody against insulin in obesity induced by antipsychotics. Method:30 obesity patients induced by antipsychotics were collected.Their insulin sensitivity and antibody against insulin(AAI) were detected at next day. Results:The insulin sensitivity index(ISI) of patients was lower than that of normal controls.The insulin sensitivity index(ISI) of patients was not correlated with the daily dosage of antipsychotics and duration of drug administration.The detection of serum antibody against insulin were all negative. Conclusion:Obesity patients induced by antipsychotics have insulin resistance(IR). The reason of insulin resistance(IR) was not due to the antibody against insulin(AAI).
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry