动力传动系统负载试验台是作业车生产中的重要设备 ,文章阐述了作业车动力传动系统负载试验台的组成、测试原理和功能 ,测控系统的硬件和软件结构 ,以及测控系统的特性。该试验台是根据作业车的运用工况及生产需要而开发研制的 ,非常适合现场应用 。
Loaded test-bed for the power driving system is an important equipment in the manufacture of operation-car.The article expatiates the consitute,theory is test,and function.Also introduces the structure of hardware and software,and the properties of test and control system,This test-bed,which is fit well to use actually and of extend function,was developed under the condition of operation-car working and the demand of manufacture.
Railway Locomotive & Car