通过不同地区乡村卫生机构药品购销体制调查发现 :农村药品生产经营企业过多 ,药品资源比较充足 ;传统的农村药品购销体系已遭破坏 ,药品价格十分混乱 ;农村医疗机构不合理用药令人担忧 ,假劣药品充斥市场。针对上述问题 ,笔者提出了农村医药改革必须同步 ,加强农村基层用药监管 ,提高农村医疗服务劳务价格等政策建议。
A survey on purchase and sale system of pharmaceuticals in rural medical organizations was done. It was found that there were excessive pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors at the moment. The pharmaceutical resources were enough. The traditional purchase and sale system of pharmaceuticals in rural areas has been destroyed. The pharmaceutical prices were chaotic. Absurd utilization of pharmaceuticals was serious. False and poor pharmaceuticals could be found in the market. Some policy suggestions were given by the authors. The pharmaceutical reform should be synchronous carried out .The supervision of pharmaceuticals utilization at basic levels should be strengthened. Fee for medical services in rural areas should be increased.