
小麦被叶锈菌侵染后ATPase活性及定位分析 被引量:1

Analysis of Activity and Cytochmistry of ATPase in wheat cultivars Infected by Leaf Rust Fungus
摘要 用抗叶锈性不同的三个小麦品种 (洛夫林10、冀麦三号和5389) 分别接种两个毒力不同的叶锈菌 (puccinia rccondita f.sp.tritici) 小种 (366和165)、组成已知亲和程度不同的品种—小种组合。结果表明,不亲和组合接种后36h,ATPase活性峰值大而高,组织定位显示ATPase活性提高的部位位于侵柴菌丝接触的细胞及相邻细胞的胞壁和质膜附近;亲和组合接种48h以后,ATPase活性下降,并低于对照水平,组织定位未发现侵染细胞ATPase活性的增强;接种72h以后,侵染菌丝有较高的ATPase活性;慢锈组合ATPase活性介于亲和与不亲和组合之间。 Three wheat cultivars with different resistance to leaf rust fungus (Puccinia rccondita f. sp. tritici) were inoculated with two rust raes (366and 165) respectively to form the known combinations with different compatibilities. The results showed that the relative activity of ATPase remarkably increased in incompatible combination 36h.a.i..Cytochemical localization iddicated that the enhancemcnts of ATPase activityin incompatible one mainly appeared in the invaded cell and a few cells adjacent to it, especially in the area of cell wall and plasmalemma. However, ATPase activity in all compatible combinations began to decrease and then were lower than that in healthy controls 48h,a.i.. There was no obviously enhanced ATPase activity in the infected cells of compatible combinations, but the ATPase activity in hypha of leaf rust was higher than that in wheat leaf cells. The slow-rust combinations showed a moderate reaction to leaf rust in ATPase activity, we suggested that ATPase activity in wheat might have a direct bearing on resistance to the leaf rust fungus.
出处 《河北农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1992年第4期10-16,共7页 Journal of Hebei Agricultural University
关键词 小麦 叶锈菌 ATPASE ATP wheat Puccinia rccondita f. sp. tritici ATPase
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