目的 :研究大鼠急性放射性肠炎后小肠黏膜一氧化氮 (nitricoxide ,NO)浓度与平均绒毛数和绒毛高度变化的关系。方法 :实验用雄性Wistar大鼠 2 4只 ,分为 2组。肠炎组 (照射组 )大鼠用 6MV X线腹部单次照射 ,剂量为 11Gy。对照组 (未照射组 )为正常对照。实验第 4天处死动物 ,剥下小肠黏膜制成 10 %匀浆 ,测定NO浓度 ;另取 2cm小肠制作组织病理切片后在光镜下测量肠黏膜每厘米长度的平均绒毛数量和绒毛高度。结果 :对照组和肠炎组小肠NO浓度分别为 (0 2 2± 0 13) μmol g和 (0 6 0±0 35 ) μmol g ,对照组的NO浓度显著低于肠炎组 (P <0 0 5 ) ;对照组与肠炎组的组织病理学相比较 ,每厘米平均绒毛数分别为 (6 3± 5 )个 cm和 (2 2± 3)个 cm (P <0 0 0 1) ,平均绒毛高度为 (0 2 4± 0 0 3)mm和 (0 0 7± 0 0 2 )mm ,肠炎组平均绒毛数量和绒毛高度都非常显著地减少 (P <0 0 0 1)。结论
Objective To investigate the changes of intestinal nitric oxide(NO) and intestinal mucosal histopathological examination after radiation induced enteritis in rats.Methods Twenty four Wistar rats were divided into two groups.In enteritis group,rats underwent abdominal irradiation with X rays at single dose of 11 Gy.Control group were untreated.Four days after irradiation,all animals were sacrificed.Through a midline abdominal incision,small intestinal mucosal samples of intestinal segments were homogenized (10%,w/v) for NO concentration analysis.Two cm sections of the terminal ileum were fixed in formalin for histopathological examination including the mean villous height and the number of villi/cm length measurements.Results The intestinal NO concentration were significantly increased in enteritis group compared with control group( P <0 05).There were fewer villi in enteritis group compared with control group( P <0 001).The villous height was significantly reduced in enteritis group compared with control group( P <0 001).Conclusion There are significant increase of intestinal NO concentration in radiation induced intestinal damages. China J Cancer Prev Treat,2003,10(3):283-285
China Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment
intestinal mucosa/injuries
radiation injuries
nitric oxide/analysis