
1996~2001年上海市新发尘肺患者特点分析 被引量:23

Analysis of newly diagnosed pneumoconiosis patients between 1996 and 2001 in Shanghai
摘要 目的 浅析近六年上海市尘肺发病特点及原因。方法 对 1996年 1月 1日~ 2 0 0 1年 12月 3 1日上海市新诊断尘肺患者进行构成、所属企业性质、发病年龄、接尘工种、工龄等方面进行比较分析。结果 近六年来上海市尘肺检出数、检出率有逐年升高的趋势。国有企业所占比例逐渐下降 ,平均发病年龄、接尘工龄均高于非国有企业患者 (P <0 0 5 )。电焊工尘肺比上海 1949~ 1986年尘肺流行病学调查资料提供的尘肺构成所占比例增多 (P <0 0 0 5 ) ,并且发病年龄轻 ,接尘工龄短。 45 8%的电焊工尘肺来自新兴的、绝大多数是中外合资企业的集装箱制造业 ,在发病年龄和接尘工龄上比其他行业电焊工均提前 (P <0 0 0 1)。工龄不超过 10年的新发尘肺工种以电焊、风钻、喷砂例数最多 ,电焊工、喷砂工尘肺 88 9%来自三资企业或乡镇企业 ,风钻工 81 8%来自国企。结论 国企尘肺防治工作是有成效的 ,平均发病年龄超过工人退休年龄。非国有企业尘肺所占比例升高 ,新发尘肺发病年龄轻 ,工龄短 。 Objective To analyze preliminarily the characteristics of the pneumoconiosis patients in the past six years in Shanghai. Methods Comparison and analysis were done on the constitution, enterprise categories, ages of occurrence, job category and working years of new pneumoconiosis from 1/11/1996 to 12/31/2001 in Shanghai. Results In the past six years, both the number of patients and incidence of pneumoconiosis tended to be increasing. However, not only the ratio of patients from nation owned enterprises was decreasing, but also their average age upon diagnosis and period of exposure were both longer than those of the patients from non nation owned enterprises ( P <0 05). Compared to the corresponding constitution of pneumoconiosis from the epidemiological investigation between 1949 and 1986 in Shanghai, the percentage of welder workers in all pneumoconiosis patients was increased ( P <0 005). 45.8% of the welder's pneumoconiosis patients were from uprising enterprises cargo container manufacture, mostly by joint ventures and these welders were younger upon diagnosis with shorter exposure period than those welders from other industries ( P <0 001). The pneumoconiosis patients with dust exposure period shorter than 10 years were mostly welders, drilling machine operators of fettling workers. 88 9% of welder workers and drilling machine operator workers were from joint ventures of town owned enterprises, while 81 8% of fettling workers were from nation owned industries. Conclusion In nation owned enterprises, the measures to prevent pneumoconiosis in the past several decades was effective, and the average age of pneumoconiosis occurrence had been over the workers' retire age in the past six years. On the contrary, not only the ratio of patients from non nation owned enterprises were increasing, but also the new diagnosed patients were younger and the dust exposure period even shorter than they were already in phaseⅡ or phaseⅢ when they were first diagnosed.
出处 《中国职业医学》 CAS 北大核心 2003年第2期20-22,共3页 China Occupational Medicine
关键词 上海市 尘肺 新病例 Shanghai Pneumoconiosis New patient
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