
氢氧发动机实现单级入轨的优化分析 被引量:2

Optimal Analysis of Hydrogen-Oxygen Engine for SSTO
摘要 根据现有材料和技术 ,分析了给定任务下氢氧发动机实现单级入轨的最小起飞质量。由单级入轨弹道、运载器质量和氢氧发动机性能计算模型 ,优化得到为实现单级入轨的氢氧发动机基本参数。最后还提出一种渐变式氢氧发动机 ,用该发动机实现单级入轨 ,能使起飞质量降低 16 .7%。 The least launch mass of hydrogen oxygen engine for single stage engine under the certain conditions is determined on the basis of the present technology in this paper. The basic parameters of the engine to single stage to orbit are optimized by the trajectory model of single stage to orbit, the mass model of reusable launch vehicle and the performance model of hydrogen oxygen engine. At last, the gradual hydrogen oxygen engine is put forward. The launch mass will be reduced 16.7% by using this engine.
出处 《上海航天》 2003年第2期14-17,共4页 Aerospace Shanghai
基金 国家 8 63高技术资助项目 ( 863 2 3 4 8)
关键词 液体火箭发动机 推进剂 渐变式发动机 单级入轨 Single stage to orbit Liquid propellant rocket engine Hydrogen oxygen propellant Gradual change engine
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