土地所有权问题是我国民法典立法和物权立法所要解决的一个重要方面。集体土地所有权问题更是当前亟需从法律上调整解决的核心问题。明晰农村集体土地所有权主体 ,充分尊重集体土地所有权益 ,实现司法上的“合法财产权一体保护”和土地资源的优化配置 ,关系中国现代化进程中深化土地使用制度改革、保护农民利益、推动经济发展和维持社会稳定的大局。本文试图从法理上廓清集体土地所有权的性质、主体以及权利行使、收益分配问题 ,并提出对农用地、建设用地、宅基地等集体土地使用权流转的相应立法建议。
The issue of land ownership is an important aspect, which needs resolving in the legislation. It is an urgent core issue that should be resolved through the readjustment of the law. The main issues of focus include: clear the main body of collective land ownership in rural areas, respect collective land ownership and interests, realize the integrated protection of lawful property rights in the sense of judicature, and ensure optimum distribution of land resources. These issues emphasize the deepening of institutional reform of land use, protecting the farmers' interest, promoting economic development and safeguarding social stability. In an attempt to improve the quality of governing bodies involved, and to better address the exercise of power of collective land ownership and distribution of income, the author provides suggestions with regard to establishing appropriate legislation for the transfer of collective land- use rights (such as, agriculture-oriented land, land used for construction and land used for building a dwellings).
China Geology & Mining Economics