The effects of four nitrogen sources, namely aminoacetic acid (AAA), ammonium nitrate (AN), sodium glatamic acid (SGA)and lysine mono hydrocholoride (LMHC)on mold growth, pH, production and composition of Monascus pigment of Monascus anka have been compared. It was found that the effects of AAA, AN and SGA on mold growth were similar, only LMHC was unfa- vorable for the growth of Monascus anka. pH of broth hardly ever changed during whole fermenta- tion when SGA and LMHC were added as N sources, on the other hand, it became more alkaline in late fermentation when N sources were AAA of AN. Results showed that two kinds of monascus pig- ment, namely entracellular pigment and intracellular pigment were formed by Monascus anka, the later was the majority. Intracellular pigment was composed of red and yellow pigments, however the low purity of monascus pigment was obtained because the monascus pigment contained a lot of other pigment except red and yellow pigment when SGA was N source. Compared AAA with AN, AN was better than AAA as a N source because the pigment value of AN was higher than that of AAA, and yellow pigment took more propotion. It was suggested that AN should be chosen as N source in sub- merged culture of Monascus anka.
Journal of The Hebei Academy of Sciences