本文介绍了水溶性涂饰剂涂膜的基本组成 ,以及临界颜料体积浓度 (CPVC)的概念。通过有规律的改变涂膜的颜料体积浓度 (PVC) ,测定其成膜的物化性能 ,经试验分析 ,涂膜的物化性能随着PVC的改变会按照一定的规律发生变化 ,且在某一点出现拐点 ,涂膜的性质发生突变。另外 ,通过对加入不同助剂 (蜡助剂、硅助剂、油脂以及酪素 )成膜的性能测试 ,发现加入各种助剂对涂膜物化性能及其CPVC值都有着较为显著的影响。
The basic component of film and the concept of critical pigment volume percent of (CPVC) of water finish were discussed. By changing the pigment volume percent (PVC), and then testing the physical properties of film, analyzing the results, we find that the physical properties will be change with the pigment volume percentage (PVC). The most currents have inflexions on one dot and the properties occur a break. In addition, by testing physical properties of film adding auxiliary agents, the effect to physical prperties and CPVC of the films have been discovered.
Leather Chemicals