
乌司他丁在梗阻性黄疸中抗感染的实验研究 被引量:3

Research of the effect of ulinastatin on infection of rats with obstructive jaundice
摘要 目的 :研究乌司他丁 (UTI)在梗阻性黄疸鼠模型中感染的防治作用 .方法 :将 80只SD大白鼠随机分为A(对照 )组、B(治疗 )组、C(预防 )组及D(假手术 )组 ,前 3组均作胆总管结扎 ,切断 ,复制梗阻性黄疸模型 .对照组和假手术组不用药 ,治疗组于术后第 1日、预防组于手术前 1d开始均经ipUTI4 0 0 0 0IU·kg·d-1,不用药组用等量生理盐水代替UTI进行ip .1wk后处死大鼠 ,观察腹腔大体情况 ,从下腔静脉取血做血常规测定及细菌培养 ,并取部分肝组织作病理切片 .结果 :血常规示 :WBCA组 (19 4± 2 4 )× 10 9·L-1,B组(14 9± 2 3 )× 10 9·L-1,C组 (11 0± 2 7)× 10 9·L-1,D组(9 2± 1 8)× 10 9·L-1,4组间差异显著 (P <0 0 1) .细菌培养结果四组间亦差异显著 (P <0 0 1) .光镜下示 :A组、B组和C组结果示不同程度的鼠肝血窦扩张 ,胆管细胞增生伴炎性细胞浸润 ,肝细胞浊肿 .A组最为明显 ,肝小叶结构破坏伴肝细胞片状坏死 .3组肝脏肿大瘀胆 ,胆总管近端扩张明显 ,充满胆汁 .结论 AIM:To study the effects of ulinastatin (UTI) on infection of rats with obstructive jaundice.METHODS: Eighty SD rats were assigned randomly into four groups: Control group (A), UTI group (B), prevent group (C) and pseudoperation group (D), and were sacrificed seven days late. A, B and C groups were operated on, the common bile-duct was ligated. UTI was given intraperitoneally at the dosage of 40 000 IU/kg/d in UTI group at the first day of postoperation and in prevent group at the previous day of preoperation. In the control and pseudoperation groups, 0.9 % NS was given intraperitoneally at the first day of postoperation. When the rats were sacrificed, their blood was taken for blood routine and germ culture A small part of the live was taken for light microscopic examination. RESULTS: The WBC levels of A, B, C and D groups were (19 4±2 4)×10 9 ·L -1 , (14 9±2 3)×10 9 ·L -1 , (11 0±2 7)×10 9 ·L -1 and (9 2±1 8)×10 9 ·L -1 , respectively, which were significantly different ( P <0 01). By light microscopic examination, the degeneration of hepatocytes and neutrophil infiltration in the liver in A, B and C groups was observed. The changes in A group was more obvious than those in the other groups and focal necrosis of hepatocytes and lobules damage were also observed. CONCLUSION: UTI has a significant preventive effects on the infection of rats with obstructive jaundice.
出处 《第四军医大学学报》 北大核心 2003年第8期706-708,共3页 Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University
关键词 乌司他丁 胆汁郁积 胰蛋白酶抑制剂 ulinastatin cholestasis trypsin inhibitors
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