目的 :探讨水、电解质代谢障碍与高原肺水肿发生的关系 ;方法 :观测高原肺水肿患者治疗前后血、尿电解质对比 ,高原肺水肿患者治疗前与高原同海拔健康人水负荷试验对比 ,从而了解高原肺水肿患者水电解质代谢的变化 ;结果 :显示高原肺水肿患者治疗前后血电解质有轻度的变化 ,但无显著性差异 (P >0 .0 5) ,治疗前后尿电解质有显著性差异 :治疗后尿Na+浓度明显增高 (P <0 .0 1 ) ,K+、Cl- 浓度显著下降 (P <0 .0 5) ,Ca2 +浓度有轻度增高 (P >0 .0 5) ;水负荷试验表明高原肺水肿患者排尿能力在各个时间段及一段时间内明显低于对照组 ;结论 :高原肺水肿患者治疗前存在着水、电解质代谢障碍 ,水。
Objective:To describe the relationship between water-electrolyte dysbolism and high altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE).Methods:The 9 men, mean age 30±9 years old, Hans, no symptoms of diabetes and other diseases of metabolism, had HAPE when they were exposed to the altitude of 3 658m by airplane from Chengdu, Sichuan. The 9 healthy and age-matched men at similar altitude serve as control group. The level of water and electrolyte in urine and blood were measured before and after treatment of HAPE. And the water tests were examined before treatment in HAPE and control group.Results:The level of urine Na + increased significantly (P<0.01), the level of urine K + and Cl - were decreased (P<0.05) after treatment,as compared with those before treatment. The excluded urine capacity of patients with HAPE was lower than that of controls.Conclusion:The dysbolism of water-electrolyte exists in the cases with HAPE, it could be a patho-physiological factor of incidence of HAPE.
Journal of High Altitude Medicine