目的 :通过采用胃肠起搏器和吗丁啉药物的对比治疗 ,观察亚高原地区功能性消化不良 (functionaldyspepsia,FD)的临床疗效 ,并选择出胃肠起搏器治疗亚高原地区的FD的最佳频率和时间等指标 ;方法 :临床随机选择病例 ,分为胃肠起搏器治疗组和吗丁啉药物治疗对照组 ,同时记录治疗前后临床症状变化情况和胃电图检查中的平均频率及平均幅值 ;结果 :两组患者经不同方法治疗后 ,对照组治疗前后临床症状变化不大 ,P >0 .0 5,而治疗组治疗后临床症状除呕吐外 ,其它症状治疗前后均有显著改善P <0 .0 1 ;治疗前后胃电频率改变 ,治疗组餐前及餐后的平均胃电频率明显趋向正常频率 (3 .0次 /秒 ) ,经自身对照的t检验统计P <0 .0 5;而对照组经t检验无统计学意义 ,两组治疗前后胃电幅度值经t检验均无统计学意义 ;结论 :在体表输入一个较佳的治疗参数 ,能显著改善亚高原地区FD患者的胃运动功能和临床症状 ,胃肠起搏器对治疗亚高原地区FD疾病的治疗具有一定的临床价值 。
Objective:To observe therapeutic effects of gastrointestinal pacemaker on functional dyspepsia (FD) at sub-altitude.Methods:All patients, who satisfied the Rome II criteria for FD, were randomly divided into test group (32 male, 28 female; aged 22~80 yr) in which patients were treated using gastrointestinal pacemaker (twice a day, 30’/time) and control group (34 male, 13 female; aged 25~85 yr) in which the patients were treated with Domperidoni (10mg/time, Triple a day). The electrogastrograph were examined to record the amplitude and frequency before and after treatment.Results:In the test group the symptoms of FD had greater improvement after treatment than that before (P<0.01), while the result in test group was better than that in control.Conclusion:The treatment of FD with gastrointestinal pacemaker is a good way in clinical process.
Journal of High Altitude Medicine