
脐血血管内皮祖细胞的分离和诱导分化 被引量:11

Isolation and Differentiation of Endothelial Progenitor Cells From Cord Blood
摘要 目的从脐血中分离内皮祖细胞 ,诱导其向内皮细胞分化 ,研究内皮祖细胞的生物学特性和诱导分化条件。方法从新鲜脐血中纯化的CD133+ 细胞接种于添加了VEGF、bFGF、IGF-1的M199培养液中 ,观察梭形贴壁细胞的出现时间和特异性细胞标志。结果培养3~4d可观察到梭形贴壁细胞 ,14d左右可形成索条状结构 ,贴壁细胞表达血管内皮细胞特异性标志VE_cadherin,vWF ,UEA -1和VEGFR -2。结论脐血中含有内皮祖细胞 ,在一定的条件下 ,可分化为内皮样细胞。 Objective To study biological traits of endothelial progenitor cells,endothelial pogenitor cells from cord blood were isolated and induced to differentiate in optimal medium.Methods CD133 + cells selected from fresh cord blood were cultured in M199medium supplemented with VEGF,bFGF,IGF_1.Attached spindle_like cells were detached and labeled with a series of antibodies against endothelial_specific markers.Results Attached spindle_like cells appeared after4days culture and formed cord_like structure by14days.These cells can bind UEA_1and express endothelial_specific markers,including VE_cadherin,vWF and VEGFR_2.Conclusions There are endothelial progenitor cells in cord blood,which can differentiate into endothelial cells.
机构地区 中国医学科学院
出处 《中国微循环》 2003年第2期78-81,共4页 Journal of Chinese Microcirculation
基金 973项目(001CB5101) 攀登计划(95 -专 -10) 天津市自然基金重点项目(013803211) 医科院长江学者项目资助
关键词 脐血 血管内皮祖细胞 分离 诱导分化 生物学特性 血管新生 胚胎发育 小鼠 造血干细胞 Cord blood CD133 + cells Endothelial progenitor cells Differentiation
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