
编码牛蛙核糖核酸酶成熟蛋白基因的cDNA克隆及序列分析 被引量:3

摘要 目的 :获得编码牛蛙核糖核酸酶成熟蛋白基因的 c DNA序列。方法 :针对编码牛蛙核糖核酸酶成熟蛋白基因的 c DNA序列设计相应的引物 ,通过反转录 PCR技术 ,从雌性成年牛蛙肝脏中 ,扩增出编码牛蛙核糖核酸酶成熟蛋白的基因序列 ,并将其克隆入载体 p U Cm- T中 ,通过酶切及序列测定鉴定重组载体。结果 :经序列测定证实 ,重组载体含有正确编码牛蛙核糖核酸酶成熟蛋白基因的 c DNA序列。结论 :获得的阳性克隆含有 374 bp的重组片段 ,为进一步深入研究其生物学活性及其抗肿瘤功能奠定了基础。 Objective:To obtain cDNA encoding Rana catesbeiana ribonuclease mature protein.Methods:The cDNA encoding Rana catesbeiana ribonuclease mature protein was amplified by RT PCR technique from the liver of the female Rana catesbeiana.The gene fragment was cloned into plasmid pUCm T,and identified by endonucleases digestion and sequencing.Results:Sequencing confirmed that the cDNA encoding Rana catesbeiana ribonuclease mature protein was correctly inserted in recombinants.Conclusion:Recombinant gene encoding Rana catesbeiana ribonuclease mature protein laid the foundation for further research on biological activities and antitumor effect of Rana catesbeiana ribonuclease.
出处 《肿瘤研究与临床》 CAS 2003年第2期78-81,共4页 Cancer Research and Clinic
关键词 牛蛙 核糖核酸酶 基因 CDNA序列 基因序列 成熟蛋白 生物学活性 克隆 治疗 肿瘤 Ribonuclease Rana catesbeiana ribonuclease cDNA cloning Sequencing
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