Internet的应用已越来越广泛 ,但随之而来的计算机网络安全问题也越来越严重。随着网络攻击事件的不断增加 ,重要的网络部门需要追踪到网络攻击者 ,并运用法律武器保护自己的权益。本文分析了IP地址追踪方法 ,如何建立攻击路径 ,以识破网络攻击者的IP地址欺骗。
With the development of Internet,the network security is becoming an important topic.Along with network attack increasing,the important network section will trace the network aggressor and protect its own right by the law.This paper analyses the tracing network attack method and the establishment of attack path.It has the reference meaning for metwork security managment.
Journal of Shanghai Institute of Technology: Natural Science