目的 探讨冠状动脉支架置入术治疗心肌桥的方法和疗效。方法 选择6例经冠状动脉造影确诊为心肌桥的患者,其收缩期狭窄≥75~90%,狭窄长度8~18mm。3例置入BX支架,2例置入AVE支架,1例置入R-stent。结果 支架置入后即刻冠脉造影显示心肌桥压迫影像消失,术后无胸闷、胸痛发作,随诊6~18个月症状未复发。结论 冠状动脉内支架术治疗心肌桥是一种有效的方法,对治疗小血管性心肌桥依然有效。
Objective:To investigate the methods ami effects of coronary stent placement in patients with myocardial bridge. Methods:6 myocardial bridge patients with 75% - 90% systolic stenosis confirmed by coronary angiograghy were involved in this study.The length of artery passed by myocardial bridge was in the range of 8 - 18mm. Three stente implanted in the patients with myocardial bridge were BX stents,rwo were AVE stents ,the other one was R- stent. Results;The compression signs (confirmed by coronary angiograghy) of local vessels with myocardial bridge disappeared after coronary stent implantation. No patients had chest malaise or chest pain after the operation and during the6 - 18 month follow - up. Conclusions: Coronary stent implantation is an effective method in myocardial bridge treatment even in the patients with small vessels.
Hainan Medical Journal