目的 总结左房粘液外科治疗的临床经验。方法 自1994年~2002年25例左房粘液瘤的病人,均在体外循环下行左房粘液瘤摘除术。结果 一例死亡,随访6个月~8年,无复发病例。结论 左房粘液瘤的外科治疗安全,效果好,一经确诊应立即手术治疗。
Objective To summarize the clinical experience of surgical treatment of left atrial myxomas. Method: From 1994 to 2002,25 patients with left atrial myxomas underwent excision of myxomas under cardiopulmonary bypass. Results There was a deceased patient. At a median of 8.5 years(ranged 6months to Syears)after resection,There was no recurrence.Conclusions:Patients with cardiac myxomas should undergo operation as soon as possible surgical resection in the only effective therapeutic resection in the only effective therapeutic option.
Hainan Medical Journal