国土资源执法要建立预防新机制 ,推进执法监察网络建设 ;把执法监察责任制作为考核内容 ,兑现奖惩 ;加大宣传教育力度 ;建立健全执法监察法规制度和内部监督协作机制 ,从源头上预防违法和腐败 。
Enforcing the law to the land resources needs to establish new preventive mechanism, and that demands to put forward network construction of supervision to law's exertion. The responsibility of law enforcement should be listed as the contents of assessment; the regulation of rewards and penalties should be adopted. The extent of propagation should be greatly enlarged. Only by preventing from violation and corruptness at the very beginning and establishing sound supervision law and internal control mechanism, overall supervision function will be strengthened.