
基于二维胶体晶体刻蚀法的纳米颗粒阵列 被引量:6

Nanoparticle array synthesized by two-dimensional colloid crystal lithography
摘要 悬浮液中的胶体球在一定条件下能够自组装成二维胶体晶体 ,以此为掩膜可合成纳米颗粒阵列体系 ,其颗粒形状、尺寸以及间距等参数易于控制 .调整这些参数和相应的介质环境可以实现对颗粒阵列体系性质的有效控制 ,这也为研究尺寸效应提供了便利 ,且在一些具有特殊功能的纳米器件方面具有潜在的应用价值 .文章重点介绍了这种阵列体系的合成过程、结构形态和性质 ,并展望了其应用前景 . Colloid spheres in the suspension can self-assemble into two-dimensional colloid crystal under certain conditions. In the nanoparticle array synthesized by taking the colloid crystal as the lithography mask, the shapes, sizes, spacing and even compositions of the particles can be controlled easily. By these parameters and the corresponding environmental media, properties of the array can be tuned effectively, which also facilitates the research on size-dependent properties and has potential applications in various nano-devices with special functions. In this article, the synthesis process, structure, shape and properties of this array system are described and future prospects of applications are also presented.
出处 《物理》 CAS 北大核心 2003年第4期223-227,共5页 Physics
基金 国家自然科学基金 (批准号 :5 0 2 710 69)资助项目
关键词 二维胶体晶体刻蚀法 纳米颗粒阵列 尺寸效应 纳米器件 结构形态 合成过程 性质 掩膜 nanoparticle array, two-dimensional colloid crystal lithography
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