展望了将高新技术用于地震观测的前景 ,利用高新技术改善地震监测预报条件 ,扩大观测范围和增强综合分析能力 ,建立新型的三维观测系统 ,开展“空中、地表、深部”的观测研究 ;建立动态的数字地球模型 ,开辟研究地震的新领域 。
This paper makes perspective of the application of high and new technology in seismological observation, such as with high and new technology to improve of the conditions of seismological surveillance and earthquake prediction, to enlarge the monitoring score, to enhance the comprehensive analysis ability and to built new type 3D- observation system. In this paper we discuss the research of the observation in the space, on the ground surface and in the deep earth, the making of the dynamic digital earth model, and the development of new seismological research fields, those just mentioned can help to predict earthquake.
South China Journal of Seismology