探索大剂量尿激酶治疗视网膜中央动脉阻塞 (CRAO)的有效性和安全性。 6例单眼患有CRAO的病人 ,阻塞时间为 6h~ 6天(平均 3 7天) ,静脉滴注尿激酶每天 5 0万U ,总量 2 5 0万U ,治疗还包括前房穿刺、眼球按摩、口服醋氮酰胺、舌下含服硝酸异山梨酯和吸入 95 %O2 和 5 %CO2 混合气体及每天静脉滴注低分子右旋糖苷 5 0 0ml和金纳多 87 5mg。治疗前后检查眼底和视力。随访时间为 4~ 12个月。第一次用药后检查视力 :除 1例视力没有变化外 ,其余 5例视力出现不同程度的改善。出院时所有病人视力均有提高 ,并且达到或好于 0 0 5 ,3例大于 0 1,2例达到 1 0。最后随访视力 :6例大于 0 1,4例大于 0 2 ,2例视力恢复到发病前最好视力 1 2和 1 5。治疗期间未发现严重并发症。结果显示 。
To investigate the effectiveness and safety of systemic administration of high dose urokinase for acute central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO). 6 patients who had unilateral CRAO with symptoms lasting 6 hours to six days' (average, 3 7 days) received intravenous urokinase, 500,000U / day, with a total dose of 2,500,000U. Each urokinase delivery was followed by in travenous low molecular weight Dextran, 500ml / day, and Ginaton 87 5 mg / day, for 10 days. The treatment also included anterior chamber paracentesis, ocular massage, oral acetazolamide, sublingual isosorbide dinitrate, and inhalation of carbogen ( 95% oxygen, 5% carbon dioxide ). Visual acuity and ocular findings were recorded before and after treatment. Duration of follow up ranged from 4 to 12 months. After first intravaneous urokinase, visual acuity was slightly improved in five of the 6 patients, and no change in one patient. All 6 patients showed markedly improved vision at discharge, with vision better than 0 05. At the final visit, visual acuity reached 0 1 in all the 6 patients, and in four patients visual acuity was improved to 0 2 or better, two patients had vision recovered even to 1 2 and 1 5, respectively. During treatment no serious complications were noticed. These results indicate that systemic treatment for acute central retinal artery occlusion with high dose urokinase could help reestablish retinal circulation and improve vision.
Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army