

The Application of Object-Subject Model in Mobile Decision Support System Based on Multiple Analytical Sources
摘要 1 引言 基于移动Agent技术的移动决策支持系统MDSS提供了一种在移动计算环境下访问分布式决策支持系统、在基于多分析源基础上进行决策分析的有效手段.在MDSS系统中,用户的决策分析请求(称全局决策分析请求)的一般处理过程为: In the Mobile Decision Support System(MDSS) .the key problems of the decision-making technology based on multiple analytical sources are how to articulateand represent the user's global decision-making requests, and then decompose and map them to local analyzing requests on each DSS analytical source, as well as how to integrate the heterogeneous analyzing results. This article develops an object-subject model (OSM) which is based on decision-making subjects. By means of subjects and their operations, the OSM model unifies the decision-making capabilities supplied by varied DSS analytical sources so as to facilitate the formulation of the user's global requests and the integration of heterogeneous analyzing results. Then the article describes the OSM-based algorithms of the formulation and decomposition of the user's global decision-making requests,the dispatching of analysis agents and the integration of the analyzing results.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期63-66,共4页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金 基金号:69871005
关键词 移动决策支持系统 多分析源 对象主题模型 数据对象 移动计算 Mobile Decision Support System.Object-subject model.User's global decision-making requests.Decompo-sition, Data integration
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