
一种基于Web的分布式软构件库组织框架 被引量:1

A Web-Based Organization Framework for Distributed Software Component Libraries
摘要 1 引言 基于构件的软件开发(CBSD),或称为基于构件的软件工程(CBSE)对于软件开发有着广泛的、深刻的影响,是目前实现软件重用的较为成熟的技术[1~3].从使用者的角度看,构件的获取是个最基本的问题.它的来源大致可分为三个方面:(1)个人或组织内部积累的构件库;(2)向软件商购买商品构件;(3)与他人或其它组织交换或分享.当然,也可以是几个方面兼而有之. A Comprehensive source of components has a good role in improving the reusability and effect of software components.However.it has come to a de facto state that the libraries available to a user are almost scattered and stand-alone as a result of numerous reasons such as historical,environmental,technical and commercial. Moreover,the situation will surely continue to be for a long time. Let a user have access to multiple libraries one by one is clearly un-practicable. This paper presents a framework that organizes any numbers of component library into a loosely coupled but organic whole- The key feature in addition to many others is that it enables a free and very flexible scheme for cooperation and sharing between component libraries on net work; and through the 'proxy' of a primary library, the scheme will benifit to the simplicity and efficiency of management and the implementation of a friendly common user interface,hence arrive at a good of both easy-to-management and easy-to-use.
机构地区 华侨大学电脑系
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期152-153,F004,共3页 Computer Science
关键词 软件开发 WEB 分布式软构件库组织框架 计算机 Software component .Software component library .Organization framework
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