1 引言
A Comprehensive source of components has a good role in improving the reusability and effect of software components.However.it has come to a de facto state that the libraries available to a user are almost scattered and stand-alone as a result of numerous reasons such as historical,environmental,technical and commercial. Moreover,the situation will surely continue to be for a long time. Let a user have access to multiple libraries one by one is clearly un-practicable. This paper presents a framework that organizes any numbers of component library into a loosely coupled but organic whole- The key feature in addition to many others is that it enables a free and very flexible scheme for cooperation and sharing between component libraries on net work; and through the 'proxy' of a primary library, the scheme will benifit to the simplicity and efficiency of management and the implementation of a friendly common user interface,hence arrive at a good of both easy-to-management and easy-to-use.
Computer Science