文学的自然美、社会美和人生美等 ,都离不开表现方面的形式美。形式与内容的和谐统一铸成艺术的美。在阅读教学中实施审美教育 ,就是要学生对美的内涵、美的思想境界有深刻的体会和认识 ,这种体会和认识是在潜移默化、自然而然中得来 ,是在美的形象的熏陶中达到理性的认识 ,形成美感。
The beauty of nature, society and life embodied in literature can't lose contact with that of form of expression. The unity of form and content can lead to the beauty of art. During the teaching process of appreciating the beauty, we feel and know about the connotation and ideological level of beauty. The feeling comes into being imperceptibly and naturally and is an aesthetic perception of beautiful images.
Journal of Dalian Education University