教育学院音乐专业提高学历层次教育的主体是在职中小学音乐教师 ,他们具有教师和学生的双重身份 ,而且自身条件和基础程度不一 ,其声乐教学方式有别于艺术院校和师院音乐系。应注意从学员特点出发开展教学工作 。
In the institutes of education, the main part of musical majors for the promotion of educational degree are those music teachers in primary and middle schools. They have double identities both as teachers and students. Since they have difference in qualities and basics. Their teaching methods of vocal music are different from those of Art Colleges and Teachers' Colleges. The teachers should start from the students' individualities and integrate the theories with practice to make the teaching activities more effective.
Journal of Dalian Education University