
基于移动Agent的双层结构P2P系统模型 被引量:2

A P2P System Model with 2-layer Infrastructure Based on Mobile Agent Technology
摘要 根据目前P2P系统的特点及其存在的问题提出了一个适用性比较广泛的基于双层结构的P2P系统模型。该模型第一层在簇内基于IP多播实现CN与SN间发现与信息交互,第二层在簇外使用移动Agent实现SN间发现与信息交互。文中论述了采用该模型的优势、系统使用的关键技术以及基于JXTA协议的实现方案。 This article firstly analyses the characteristics and problems of existing P2P s ystems. Then presents a more adaptable and efficient hybrid P2P network based on model 2layer infrastructure which applies IP Multicast technology to achieve the discovery and information interaction between common nodes and super nodes i nside clusters (the First Layer) and Mobile Agent technology between the super n odes outside clusters (the Second Layer). And it also discusses the advantages o f the above model will bring and describes the approach to realize the system vi a JXTA protocols based on this newfashioned model.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期103-106,共4页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 对等 移动AGENT IP多播 JXTA Peer-to-Peer mobile agent IP multicast JXTA
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