20 0 2年我国主要天气气候特点为 :全国降水量偏多 ,但时空分布不均 ,北方地区早春和伏秋少雨 ,受旱范围广 ,华南沿海地区则冬春夏初少雨连旱 ;汛期内无大范围或持续的强降水过程发生 ,但长江中下游一带春汛明显 ,北方雨季偏早 ,南方部分地区暴雨洪涝及局地山洪、泥石流、滑坡等灾害较重。全国大部地区气温偏高 ,但起伏变化较大。沙尘天气时段集中 ,影响范围广 ,强度偏强。登陆我国的台风 (包括热带风暴 )个数接近常年 ;冰雹。
The chief climate characteristics in 2002 are showed as following: in most areas, the annual precipitation was more than normal but the distribution was uneven in time and space. Droughts appeared widely in the northern part of China during early spring and hot Autumn days and also occurred along the coast of south China from winter/spring to the beginning of summer due to the less rainfall. In the flood season, no heavy rainfall and floods happened in extensive regions but the spring flood appeared in the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River. The rain season began earlier than normal in North China. In some areas of South China, heavy rainfall, floods, mountain torrents, mud rock flows and landslides caused severe damages. The mean annual temperature was higher than normal in most areas and the fluctuation of temperature was fairly obvious. The sandstorm weather was concentrative in time and led to wide and serious influences. The landing typhoons number (including the tropical cyclones,storms) is near normal, strong convective weather such as hails and tornadoes occurred more than normal.
Meteorological Monthly