计算地震引起的静、动应力变化量空间分布图象是国内外研究断层间相互作用与地震触发机制的两个主要方法。依据半弹性空间地震位错理论获得的静应力变化量 ,可以长期存在于邻近断层面上 ,直至下一次地震发生。因此 ,静应力变化量空间分布图象既被用来解释一次地震后余震活动在邻近断层上的分布规律 ,又被用来研究一个地区几十年至几百年地震活动过程中断层间相互作用特点和强震迁移规律。但静应力变化量随距离缩减快 ,空间分布与地震破裂扩展方向无关。动应力随距离衰减速度慢 ,量值大 ;在地震破裂扩展方向上 ,动应力变化量可以比相反方向高出一个数量级。由于动应力是伴随地震波传播而出现的 ,因此 ,动应力变化量是暂态的 ,作用于邻近断层面上时间有限。在分析国内外研究现状的基础上 ,提出我国目前在该研究领域所面临的一些问题 ,并说明了解决这些问题的主要技术途径。
To calculate the changes on static and dynamic stress is the two approaches to study fault interaction and earthquake triggering mechanism. The changes on static stress, acquired according to the half-space elastic dislocation theory, can exist on fault plane for a long time until the next strong earthquake. The distribution of changes on static stress is applied to explain not only the occurrence of aftershocks, but also the migration of strong earthquakes and the features of fault interaction in a time of tens to hundreds of years. However, the changes on static stress attenuate quickly with distances and the spatial distribution has no relation with extension direction of earthquake rupture. Dynamic stress attenuates slowly with distances and has a large value. The dynamic stress at the extension direction of earthquake rupture can be one order larger than that in the opposite direction. Dynamic stress is caused by the radiation of seismic wave, so the dynamic stress is transient. The time that acted on fault plane in the vicinity is limited. Based on the analysis of progress on fault interaction and earthquake triggering mechanism, some questions are proposed for the consideration of Chinese researchers. The possible approaches also have been provided.
Earthquake Research in China
国家自然科学基金项目 (4 0 2 74 0 0 8)
国家重点基础研究发展规划"大陆强震机理与预测"项目 (95 13 0 1 0 5 )