在WTO贸易与投资关系工作组内 ,WTO成员方近年来就是否应当在WTO框架下制订新的多边投资协议 (MIA)进行了广泛讨论 ,最终因为各方意见分歧而使立法建议停留在探讨阶段。从成员方的现实需求和意愿来看问题 ,结合工作组几年的研讨情况和经合组织制订多边投资协议的经验教训 ,可以初步得出的结论是 ,在WTO下制订新的多边投资协议的时机尚不成熟。新协议的出台 ,必须以成员方之间的合意为前提 ,以消除各成员方在投资规则上的诸多实质性分歧为基础 ,以充分考虑和及时反映经济一体化时代国际投资立法背景的变化为依托。对晚近多边投资立法经验教训的思考和对工作组相关研讨工作的跟踪研究 ,有助于了解WTO规则与国际投资法的关联关系及WTO法律规则体系未来发展变化的趋势 。
The WTO Working Group on the relationship between Trade and Investment discussed the issue of the possibility of establishment of a new Multilateral Investment Agreement under the framework of WTO in recent years. According to the research work of the working group and the lessons from the OECD's MAI plan, it is still not the right time for the coming of a new MIA under WTO. There are still many outstanding substantive issues waiting to be resolved, and it is difficult to form a basic agreement of establishing a MIA in the near future among the WTO members. To prepare for a MIA under WTO, the changing legislation climate of international investment must be taken into consideration. The related discuss about MIA in the WTO working group and the lessons from the OECD's MAI plan are helpful for us to understand the trend of the development of international investment law under the framework of WTO.
China Legal Science