
新丝路与民族教育发展战略的思考 被引量:6

Strategic Thinking of the Development of Ethnic Education under the Background of the New Silk Road
摘要 新时期"一带一路"的"新丝路"国家战略给沿线各族青年及其教育带来了难得的发展机遇。新丝路是经贸之路,也是国家一体化与全球化的重要组成部分,对人才具有统一性与多样性相结合的要求,据此民族教育发展战略可作如下思考:.以德智体全面发展教育为核心建构多方面素质和谐发展的教育理念;以学校教育为核心建立学习化社会的终身教育网络;.以通识知识为基础建立多学科多领域知识课程体系;.以通用技术(综合技术或称现代工艺学)为核心建立多样化的职业技术教育体系;.以国语(国家通用语言文字)为核心建立多语多文的语文教育体系;以中华民族共同文化为核心建立多元文化教育体系;.以祖国理解与忠诚为核心的国际理解教育。在此特别建议,新丝路需要以全面发展与终身发展的教育理念重构教育体系;加强交往教育(含跨文化教育、国际理解教育)、乡土教育、母语教育;孔子学院可以沿线适当布点。 In the new period,of the 'New Silk Road' national strategy has brought the young people of all ethnic groups and education along the way the rare development opportunity. The new silk road is the trade way, is an important part of national integration and the globalization, and requirements talents combining with unity and diversity.Accordingly above,the development of ethnic education strategy could be made the following thinking:reconstruct philosophy of education of harmonious development the core of all-round development education in many aspects; to establish learning society of lifelong education network with school education as the core;reconstruct curricular system of multi domain knowledge and multidisciplinary With general knowledge as a core base;reconstruct the diversification system of vocational-technical education with general technology(comprehensive technology or modern technology)as the core;to establish the bilingual-multilingual language education system with the core of the national common language; to establish multicultural education system with the common culture of Chinese nation as the core; to establish international understanding education with understanding and loyalty to the motherland as the core. Special recommendations on this, the new silk road needs reconstruction of system of education of all-round development and lifelong development;Strengthen the communication education, local education,mother tongue education;Confucius colleges can be layout appropriately along new silk road.
作者 吴明海
出处 《民族高等教育研究》 2015年第1期6-10,93,共6页 Research on Higher Education of Nationalities
基金 2014年全国民族教育研究课题"中外民族教育政策比较研究"(课题编号:MJZXYB1421) 全国教育科学"十一五"规划教育部重点课题"民族地区乡村小学教师队伍建设问题研究"(课题编号:DHA090341)
关键词 民族教育 丝绸之路经济带 21世纪海上丝绸之路 发展战略 交往教育 孔子学院 National education Silk Road Economic Belt in twenty-first Century the maritime Silk Road De-velopment strategy Communication education Confucius College
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