So far, there has not yet been any monographic study on the development of disciplines and specialties of foreign languag-es and literatures in universities for nationalities (UNC) in both the historical research of foreign language higher education and ethnic tertiary education research in China. This paper, based on related research documents of ethnic higher education studies, describes the status quo of the research into the development of disciplines and specialties of foreign languages and literatures in UNC in terms of spe-cialty establishment for undergraduate education, discipline authorization for academic degrees and characterized development of disci-plines and specialty. This paper also points out that the existing research literature has not offered a panoramic view of the historical de-velopment of disciplines and specialties of foreign languages and literatures in UNC due to its research intention as well as its incomplete data. Therefore, it is suggested that the future study should be a special project on a comprehensive and systematic investigation into the historical development of disciplines and specialties of foreign languages and literatures in UNC by means of consulting the records of the historical development of the universities, the statistic data of education for ethnic minorities from SEAC (the State Ethnic Affairs Com-mission) and specialty establishment and discipline authorization from MOE (the Ministry of Education) of PRC as well as related re-search documents,and the future study can provide useful data and insights for scientific planning and better development of specialties and disciplines of foreign languages and literatures in UNC.
Research on Higher Education of Nationalities
Development of specialties and disciplines of foreign languages and literatures
Literature review