对齐齐哈尔北满特种钢厂SO2 污染区的家榆、糖槭、中东杨和旱柳 4种绿化树木叶片的电导率、SOD活性、POD活性、叶绿素和可溶性糖进行了测定 .结果表明 :钢厂SO2 污染区中树木叶片叶绿素、可溶性糖含量显著低于对照 .SOD和POD活性和外渗液电导率显著高于对照 .SOD活性增长率与叶绿素含量下降呈显著负相关 .不同树种间对SO2 污染的抗性差异显著 ,旱柳抗性最强 ,中东杨其次 ,家榆和糖槭抗性较弱 .同时 ,电解质外渗率、SOD和POD活性的大小受树种与处理交互作用的显著影响 .在对照、污染 2种环境中 ,可溶性糖和叶绿素含量均呈显著的正相关 。
Split-spot design is made use for comparing the hardiness of four species of trees against SO 2 pollution in steel mill.The contents of both chlorophyll and soluble sugars in SO 2 pollution are remarkablely lower than that of control.The leaves of trees in the pollution possessed higher activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD)and peroxidase(POD),and higher conductivity of seepage solution from leaves than control,respectively.There is a negtive correlatioship between increase ratio of SOD activity and decrease ratio of chlorophyll content.The hardiness aginst SO 2 pollution of trees remarkablely differed with species of plants.It is showed that the hardiness of willow is more intensive than poplar,which is more intensive as compare to elm and boxelder.There are mutual effects of both species of trees and treatments on either electrolytic leakage or activities of SOD and POD.The carbon assimilation efficiency of chlorophyll of trees leaves in SO 2 pollution is remarkablely higher than the control.
Journal of Science of Teachers'College and University