
特朗普的移民改革走向与时代困局 被引量:1

Donald Trump’s Immigration Reform and Contemporary Predicament
摘要 纵使2016岁末,政治素人特朗普凭借颇具'限制主义'色彩的移民政策立场,在同希拉里的对决中站稳脚跟甚至脱颖而出看似匪夷所思,但本文认为,若欲全面把握其移民改革走向,则应拨开看似新奇多变的政治卖点和噱头,坚持客观评估政策从形式、内容到实践的成败得失,同时站在历史和全球的高度审视其时代必然性。故而本文力求在全面解读当前移民政策改革步骤基础上,做出如下三则判断:第一,新总统任内移民政策在争议中趋于收紧,但是否达成既定目标前景不明;第二,美国内外面临的实质危机及意识形态冲击导致反移民'并发症'周期性复发,特朗普利用之力促改革;第三,限制主义的移民政策对内无助于化解美国国内难题,对外无益于发挥移民的'桥梁'优势、营造和谐的外交环境,实则给美国内外政策顺利实施设置了新困局。 Although at the end of 2016,Donald Trump,as a political novice defeated Hilary Clinton with his propaganda of immigration reform characterized by ultra-nationalism as well as restrictionism is seemed to be bizarre,this paper believe that the only way to understand his reform is to unveil those political stunts while evaluate those executive orders and files from content to influence subjectively,besides,take a historical and global perspective to explain his reform is obvious necessary.Under this circumstance,this paper try to demonstrate the main features of his reform and make three judgments furtherly:firstly,the immigration policy under the Trump administration will turn out to be more rigorous than before with an uncertain outlook.Secondly,the domestic and international crisis along with the clash of ideologies results in the complication of anti-immigration periodically,which is utilized by Trump to push forward the immigration reform.Thirdly,restrictionist immigration policy cannot help to ease the division and polarization domestically meanwhile create a sustainable diplomatic environment,which ultimately trapped American in a new dilemma.
作者 王聪悦 Wang Congyue
出处 《美国问题研究》 CSSCI 2018年第1期100-121,268,共23页 Fudan American Review
关键词 特朗普 移民限令 内外政策 Donald Trump Immigration reform Domestic and foreign policies
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