在中国资源与环境时空数据库的支持下,利用20世纪70年代末期、80年代末期和90年代末期获取的陆地资源卫星图像和GIS分析方法,对洞庭湖区近20年的土地利用/覆盖变化的时空特征进行了研究。结果表明,变化比较显著的地类有3种:耕地减少了1 97%,各类建设用地总计增加了14 88%,水域面积增加的幅度为8 77%。耕地与水域相互之间的转变比较频繁。以80年代末为界,前后2个10年间,建设用地、水域和草地的面积在2个时期均持续增加,耕地、林地的面积都持续减少。后期土地利用的动态度大于前期;前期动态度最大的县域有岳阳市、沅江县和汉寿县,后期动态度最大的则为石首市、津市和岳阳市,全部为市级行政区或县改市区。
The research on the land use/cover change is one of the frontiers and hot spots in the globe change research Based on the Chinese resource and environment spatialtemporal database, and the Landsat TM?MSS and ETM data which were acquired at the end of 1970's?1980's and 1990's respectively, we analyzed the spatialtemporal characteristics of land use/cover changes in the Dongting Lake area The result shows that during the last twenty years there were three landuse types that have changed remarkably The cultivated land decreased by 197% of total cultivated land The construction land and water area expanded, with an increase of 1488% and 877% respectively The landuse change speed of landuse type at the period between the end of 1970's and 1980's is slower than that at the period between the end of 1980's and 1990's Three cities and towns, Yueyang City?Yuanjiang County and Hanshou County have gotten the greatest value of the degree of landuse change in all administrative district at the previous 10 years, which means that the land use in these cities and towns has changed much quicklyHowever, at the later 10 years, Shishou City and Jinshi City, all of them are citylevel district,have developed from county to city, replacing Yuan-jiang County and Hanshou County, and have gotten the greatest value of the degree of landuse change
Progress in Geography
中国科学院知识创新工程项目(KZCX2 310 01 02
KZCX1 Y 02 01 08
KZCX2 SW 415)
Remote sensing
Land use/cover change
Dongting-Lake Area