公正与效率是我国司法改革的两大价值目标。公正与效率之间是一种对立的统一。当两者在司法制度的设计上发生矛盾而难于通过协调实现均衡时 ,我国现行的司法制度在许多方面是以“效率优先、兼顾公正”为其价值取向的。司法改革应当改革这种取向 ,以公正作为司法改革价值目标的优先选择。
Justice and efficiency are the two significant objectives.In them there is a relationship of antagonistic unity.When antagnism arises in the judicial system designing and it is difficult to reach a balance,the principle ——“Priority is given to efficiency while considering justice”,is,in many aspects of the judicial system in operation,is adopted as the value criterion,which ought to be reformed.
Journal of Hubei University of Police