电子证据采信规则包括电子证据的查证规则、采证规则、认定规则。在司法审判中建立电子证据采信规则 ,给司法人员提供可操作的统一标准 ,为保证司法人员和当事人正确进行诉讼活动 ,具有极其重要的意义。我国即将制定的《民事证据法》、《刑事证据法》以及《电子商务法 (示范法 )》对此应明确加以规定。
The rule of electronic evidence collection contains rule of evidence examination, rule of evidence collection and rule of evidence affirmation. During the judicial process, it is of great significance to establish the rules of electronic evidence collection so that the judicial activities could be carried out in accordance with the unitary criteria. Besides, Civil Evidence Law, Criminal Evidence Law and E-Business Law(Demonstration Law) will stipulate the rules.
Journal of Hubei University of Police