
Banach不动点定理在非线性发展变分不等式解的讨论中的应用 被引量:1

Application of Banach′s fixed pointtheorem in the discussion of non-linear evolutionary variational inequality solution
摘要 利用 Banach不动点定理给出了一类由粘弹接触问题引出的非线性发展变分不等式解的存在惟一性 。 With the use of Banach's fixed point theorem,an existent and unique resultis given for a class of non- linear evolutionary variational inequalities arising from frictional contactproblems for viscoelastic materials.This provides a theoretical basis for using numerical methods in the solution of the inequali- ties.
机构地区 兰州大学数学系
出处 《兰州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期9-11,共3页 Journal of Lanzhou University(Natural Sciences)
关键词 BANACH不动点定理 粘弹接触问题 非线性发展变分不等式 LIPSCHITZ连续 强单调性 evolutionary variational inequality Lipschitz continuity strong monotonicity Banach′s fixed point theorem
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