爱尔兰问题一直是国际上关注的一个问题 ,其核心是爱尔兰民族与英国殖民统治的矛盾 ,而土地问题则是矛盾的主要表现。格拉斯顿内阁时期 ,面对爱尔兰社会的长期动荡 ,基于英帝国利益的考虑 ,改变传统的掠取的土地政策 ,通过立法手段 ,逐步实现爱尔兰农业资本主义化的土地解决方案 ,对后世产生深远影响。
The core of the Ireland issue is the contradiction between the Irish people and the English colonial rule and land is the heart of this contradiction. Facing the long turbulent situation in Ireland, the Gladsgone cabinet, for England interest, changed its traditional land policy toward Ireland and adopted legislative measures to capitalize the agriculture of Ireland.
Journal of Ningbo University:Liberal Arts Edition