

A Study on the Anthropological Significance of Biopolitique Experiment in Divergent
摘要 作为青春科幻类'反乌托邦'流派的新典范,《分歧者》系列在'反乌托邦'文学谱系中的亮点,在于其基于性格原型进行的社会分类与生命政治实验所带来的社会反思。在遥远未来的芝加哥城,人按照五种美好品质分为五类,其中不属于任何一类而又兼具多种品质的被视为危险的分歧者。但随着故事的推进,分歧者的身份是多重和变化的。从人类学视野看,'分歧者'从社会分类禁忌的'异类'、社会秩序的威胁者和任人宰割的'赤裸生命'逆转为生命政治实验的终极目的——人类的拯救者,在带来故事情节的柳暗花明之时,亦重复着人类文明故事的亘古原型:蕴藏着生命无限潜能'异类'的,既是社会秩序失范的'危险'力量,也是开创新秩序的中流砥柱。 As a new typical work of youth anti-utopia, the significance of Divergent series,which were wrote by 25-year-old writer Veronica Roth, is its ideas that society is divided into different parts based on personality archetype and social reflections by biopolique experiment in the whole utopia and anti-utopia literature genealogy. The people in Chicago in distant future is divided into five categories based on five moral virtues— bravery, kindness, honesty, selflessness and wisdom—and teenagers are required to take an attitude test to help them clarity which faction they should join.Those who do not fit into any categories are labeled as divergent and will be abstained form the society. However, status of divergent is multiple and variable.Based on anthropological view, this paper thinks that status change of the divergent from social taboo, security risk and "bare life" on the chopping block to savior as ultimate aim of biopolique experiment. This change attacks the democratic politics, and promotes the development of the plot. Further more, disinter divergent archetype holds unlimited life potential from ancient times: not only the" dangerous" force of the social order,but also the mainstay of the new order.
出处 《马克思主义美学研究》 CSSCI 2017年第2期315-324,17-18,共12页 Research on Marxist Aesthetics
基金 国家社科基金重大“中国文学人类学理论与方法研究”(10&ZD100)阶段性成果
关键词 《分歧者》 社会分类 禁忌 社会秩序 生命政治 Divergent social classification taboo social order biopolique
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