
弘扬中华优秀传统文化必须坚持马克思主义立场 被引量:2

Carrying forward Excellent Chinese Traditional Culture on the base of the Marxism Principle
摘要 民族精神的凝聚、提升、发展,只能从民族文化中汲取永恒的文化力量。中华文化历史悠久、内容丰富、底蕴深厚,既是人类文化的组成部分,又具有鲜明的民族特色。改革开放以来,文化的战略地位和作用愈来愈受到党和国家的重视。弘扬中华优秀传统文化,更是十八大以来提升国家文化软实力的重要战略举措。然而,通过什么样的原则和方法来弘扬中华传统文化?如何发掘和汲取中华传统文化中优秀的成分而摒弃糟粕的成分?这些问题都需要从文化战略的高度进行思考和解决。采用古今中西的研究方法,对于国家层面弘扬中华优秀传统文化进行战略思考,既将中华文化放在历史的长河中体现其发展与传承,同时也将中华文化放在世界文化的多样性中体现多元文化的交流与互鉴,从而更加彰显中华文化的独特性与开放性。对待中华传统文化,必须坚持马克思主义对待历史文化的'扬弃'观,融汇古今中西才能实现创造性转化,批判继承才能实现创新性发展。坚持中华优秀传统文化中'己所不欲,勿施于人''以和为贵''日新之谓德''诚信为本'的基本价值观与世界文明对话,中华文化必将为人类文明进步做出更大贡献。 The condensation,promotion,and development of the national spirit,can only draw eternal cultural strength from the national culture.Chinese culture has a long history,rich content and profound connotation,which is not only a part of human culture,but also with distinctive national characteristics.Since the reform and opening up,the strategic position and role of culture have been paid more and more attention by the party and the state.To carry forward excellent Chinese traditional culture has been the important strategic measure to promote the soft power of our national culture since the 18 th N ational Congress of the Communist Party.However,what principles and methods should be adopted to carry forward excellent Chinese traditional culture?How to excavate and draw the essence of it and abandon the dross of it?All these problems need to be thought and solved from the height of the cultural strategy.It need to use the ancient and modern Chinese and western research methods together and need to think about culture strategy of carrying forward excellent Chinese traditional at the national level,which not only places Chinese culture inheritance and development in history river,but also places the Chinese culture on multicultural exchanges and mutual learning in the cultural diversity of the world,thus highlights the uniqueness and openness of Chinese culture thereby.To deal with Chinese traditional culture,we must adhere to'sublation'view of Marxism about history and culture,by which ancient and modern Chinese and Western culture will be combined and inherited critically in order to achieve creative transformation and innovative development.Adhere to the dialogue between the world civilization and the excellent Chinese traditional culture on the basic value such as'do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire','take harmony as expensive','virtue lies in innovation every day',and'honesty is fundamental morality',the Chinese culture will make greater contributions to the progress of human civilization.
作者 张小平 Zhang Xiaoping
出处 《马克思主义文化研究》 2018年第2期34-47,共14页 Study on Marxist Cultural
关键词 文化战略 中华文化 中华优秀传统文化 Culture Strategy Chinese culture Excellent Chinese Traditional Culture
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