
论共产主义理想的当代自觉、自信与践行 被引量:2

A Study On the Contemporary Consciousness,Self-confidence,and Practice of Communist Ideal
摘要 围绕着'实现共产主义''为共产主义奋斗终生'的理想信念问题,无论是学术理论界,还是在社会实践中,人们至今还有许多困惑与不解,甚至还有种种非议与诘难。要回答这些问题,就必须首先解答这样一些难题:既然共产主义社会是遥远未来的社会形态,那么它与当今社会现实又有什么关系?既然我国正处于并将长期处于社会主义初级阶段,那么我们现在还提'为共产主义奋斗终生'究竟还有什么意义?共产主义理想与中国特色社会主义共同理想之间是什么关系?这就需要对共产主义理想的当代自觉、信念自信和实践践行问题有一个全新认识和科学把握。共产主义理想一般包括共产主义意识形态、共产主义理论体系、共产主义人生观价值观、共产主义社会、共产主义运动和共产主义理想信念六个方面。坚定共产主义理想信念,坚守共产党人精神追求,始终是共产党人安身立命的根本。对马克思主义的信仰,对社会主义和共产主义的信念,是共产党人的政治灵魂,是共产党人经受住任何考验的精神支柱。践行共产主义理想信念,首先要全面把握共产主义理想信念的科学性,辩证分析坚定共产主义理想信念的艰巨性,充分认识践行共产主义理想信念的关键性。这是新时代思想政治工作的灵魂和核心。 Around the question on the ideal and belief of'realizing communism'and'lifelong struggle for communism',regardless of academic theorists or social practice,people still have many puzzles,and even much censure and disapproval.To answer these questions,some difficult questions should be answered:Since communist society is a distant future social form,what does it have to do with the reality of today’s society?Since China is in and will be in the primary stage of socialism for a long time,what is the significance of'lifelong struggle for communism'?What is the relationship between the communist ideal and the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics?To answer these questions,we should have a new understanding and scientific grasp of the contemporary consciousness,self-confidence,and practice of the communist ideal.The communist ideals generally include six aspects:the communist ideology,the communist theoretical system,the communist life and values,the communist society,the communist movement,and the ideals and beliefs of communism.Firmly pursuing communist ideals and beliefs and sticking to the communist spirit are always the fundamental reason for communists to settle down.The beliefs in Marxism,socialism,and communism are the political souls and the spiritual pillars of the communists who have withstood any test.To carry out the communist ideal and belief,we must first grasp the scientificity of the communist ideal and belief,dialectically analyze the arduousness of strengthening the communist ideal and belief,and fully understand the key to carrying out the communist ideal and belief.This is the soul and core of the ideological and political work in the new period.
作者 杨宝国 Yang Baoguo
出处 《马克思主义文化研究》 2018年第2期96-107,共12页 Study on Marxist Cultural
关键词 共产主义理想 自觉 自信 践行 Communist ideal Consciousness Self-confidence Practice
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