公安工作提供的是一种公共产品 ,它不具有竞争性和排他性。警察的法律意识和法律素质问题 ,已成为制约公安工作的重要因素 ,也是人民群众反映强烈的主要问题。我们可以运用社会学、心理学和法学的相关知识 ,对警务人员的法律意识进行重点分析 ,以引起相关部门的注意 。
The public security work supplies a public product-the safety of the public, so the police' law consciousness is very important. At present, the Chinese police' law consciousness is not very strong, which causes many problems. This article analyzes the law consciousness, from the law and social sides, which will help to solve the problems.
Journal of Henan Public Security Academy