由于破产法上的和解对于中小额破产债权人而言实际属于非自愿和解 ,故其正当权益有特别保护之必要。其他国家和地区对和解中的中小额债权人利益保护的相关立法值得借鉴。我国破产和解制度尚存在不足 。
Because the composition in bankruptcy code is atually involuntary composition to creditors who holds medium amount or small amount of creditor's rights,so it is necessary to protect their just rights and interests.It is worthy to draw on the experience of other country and region's legislation related to protecting the medium and small-amount creditor's interests.There are some defects in our country of composition concerning bankruptcy,which should be perfected. [WT5HZ]
Journal of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute