管子钳的结构比较特殊 ,其成痕原理、受力情况及痕迹特征都不同于一般的钳类或扳手类工具。管子钳破坏圆柱形客体形成的痕迹 ,通常是线条状痕迹伴随凹陷状痕迹同时出现。其痕迹特征可用来分析作案工具种类与规格、作案人职业特点等 ,也可用来进行比对检验 。
The structure of the pipe-pincer is rather complicated and it is different from others of the same kind or spanner in the principle of trace formation, the reception of forces and the features of the traces. Generally, the traces left on the cylinder objects by pipe-pincers are lines along with sunken traces, whose features can used to analyze the type, specifications of the offending tools and the professional features of the offender, as well as to make analogy experiment for identity of the offending tools.
Journal of Huan Public Security College